Anti-clockwise? Clockwise?
Anti-clockwise? Clockwise?
Anti-clockwise? Clockwise?

Bueno los dos? 😮

That’s right folks! Why not both directions? 😁

Our October race meeting will see us run ‘The Split’ for the first time. We’ll be running 3×10 lap races in the standard anti-clockwise direction then switch the track to the clockwise (reverse) direction for the remaining 2×10 lap races.

We will be holding our usual pactice session prior to racing and that will be run in the standard anti-clockwise direction.

Same deal as always, $50 covers your entry fee, day license and insurance, practice and 50 racing laps. One year on and we’re still the best value in karting 😎

This is our last race meeting at Barossa for 2019 (but not our last meeting for 2019 😉) so be sure to get out there, have some fun and help keep the gates open and the lights on at the small but mighty Barossa Go Kart Club.

Enter now 👇👇👇

Introducing The Split! One track. Two ways.
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